1. Course objectives

This course is designed to help students:

  • Understand the political system and administrative structure in Vietnam.
  • Understand the administrative system and administrative agencies in Vietnam.
  • Understand the concepts of public administration.
  • Understand administrative boundaries and division of administrative boundaries in Vietnam.
  • Understand the process of making administrative decisions in Vietnam.
  • Understand the administrative reform and administrative procedure reform in Vietnam.
  • Understand the contents of administrative inspection in Vietnam.
  • Understand Vietnam’s public administrative services.
  • Having knowledge about state-owned enterprises, equitization of state-owned enterprises in Vietnam.
  • Understand the country, culture and people of Vietnam through practical experience programs.

2. General information

  • Number of periods: 40 (2 periods/day; 1 month/course)
  • Syllabus: Tài liệu tiếng Việt chuyên ngành hành chính công VN